This is the King Erik XIV, son of Gustav Vasa and Catherine of Saxen Lauenburg which is my mf ff ff mf fm grandfather. We are probably many who have Erik XIV as an ancestor.
Erik XIV was born 13 december 1533 and he died 26 februari 1577 as a prisoner at Örbyhus Slott. Buried at Västerås domkyrka.
Erik was married to his maitress and
housekeeper Karin Månsdotter 1568. Karin was born 1550 and she died 1612. Karin is buried at Åbo domkyrka in Finland
In this house we live, me and my husband Walter The house was built in 1799 and has been a hospital for the mentally ill.The architect was the famous Tempelman who designed a number of famous buildings. In 1993 the house was converted into apartments.
A large park with trees also belonged to the hospital.
Here is the back of the house.
